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College Student Auto Insurance Savings Tips

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If you are off to college this fall you are likely looking for ways to cut expenses so you have more green in your pocket. When it comes to car insurance, saving money may seem like a challenge since teens and young college students are often paying higher rates. Fortunately, there are ways that you can save cash, and the following tips can help. Tip #1: Stay on your parents’ policy…

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What Do The Letters Mean On Fire Extinguishers?

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Handheld fire extinguishers are made so that home owners can react quickly to small fires that may occur. They are lightweight and easily operated by almost anyone. They are painted red to increase visibility so that they can be easily located when the need arises. Many home fire extinguishers come with mounting wall brackets that can be hung on the wall of the house using an ordinary toolkit. The homeowner can then hang the fire extinguisher wherever they feel it makes the most sense.…

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Tips To Help Keep Your Young Children Occupied While At A Laundromat

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If you will be bringing your young children with you to a laundromat to wash and dry your family’s clothes and are concerned about your kids causing your experience to be difficult, the following tips will help keep your offspring occupied while completing the job at hand.  Delegate Small Tasks If your children are old enough to follow simple instructions, have them assist you with some basic tasks. Allow them to exchange dollar bills for quarters or purchase laundry soap and dryer sheets from vending machines.…

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